Legacy Gifts
Make a gift today to provide for future generations of people with disabilities in the Diocese of Madison. Your generosity will support our efforts to build on and expand the ministries of the Apostolate that Msgr. Thomas Campion started in 1967.
Ways to make a lasting gift
Please consider providing a planned gift to the Apostolate so that our ministry can continue to benefit persons with disabilities and their families for generations to come.
Planned gift options include:
Bequests / Will
A designated gift to the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities in a donors will. A bequest can be a gift of specific assets, a dollar amount or a percentage of the donors estate
Retirement Plan Assets
A donor can name the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities as the beneficiary of any percentage of their retirement plan assets including IRAs, 401(k), 403(b), or pensions
Charitable gift annuities
A contract between a donor and the Diocese of Madison where the donor receives fixed payments for life while being able to name the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities as the beneficiary upon their death
A trust can be established in several ways, leaving the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities either the remainder of the trust upon a donors death or receiving income for a fixed number of years
Life Insurance
Unneeded life insurance can benefit the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities when the donor names them as the beneficiary, establishes a new policy in the Apostolates of Persons with Disabilities’ name or by transfers an existing policy
Gift of Securities
Making a gift to the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities from an appreciated asset such as securities or a mutual find allows the donor to give more while not negatively impacting their cash flow.
Learn more

For more information on these types of gifts and how you can support the Apostolate, contact Deacon Jim Hoegemeier, Associate Director, at (608) 821-3051 or jim.hoegemeier@madisondiocese.org, or your financial or tax planner.
Your support of this ministry is very appreciated!