“Whoever suffers from mental illness always bears God’s image and likeness.”
– Saint Pope John Paul II
We work to educate parishes and communities, train staff and volunteers, and accompany those affected by mental health challenges.
- 1 in 4 people experience mental illness (WHO)
- 1 in 5 adolescents have, or had, a serious mental health illness (NIMH)
- Mental illness accounts for 20% of all disability in the US (NIMH)
- 3 out of 4 individuals with a diagnosed mental illness report experiencing stigma (WHO)
Biopsychosocial Spiritual
- The Church can help bridge the gap between the natural care of mental health treatment and the supernatural healing from the Church.
- Holistic care involves addressing the body, mind, and soul.
Saint Dymphna
- St. Dymphna is the patron Saint of those with a mental illness.
- St. Dymphna’s feast day is May 15th.
- Click here for a St. Dymphna prayer card.
Mental Health First Aid
- A certified, evidence-based training that teaches how to identify and address mental health symptoms – click here to learn more.
- Minimum of 5 participants and a maximum of 15 participants per course per instructor
- Free registration. Snacks and lunch provided – contact us if interested.
St. Dymphna Grant
- A $500 St. Dymphna Grant is offered to parishes to be used towards mental health ministry
- Click here to fill out a grant application.
Walking Alongside Others
- As humans, we are relational beings – we need to be connected with others, not just material resources.
- The healing journey involves being seen, known, and loved by those who walk alongside us.
Spiritual Support Groups
- Providing support and accompaniment to those affected by mental health challenges.
- Contact us if interested in joining a spiritual support group or helping lead one at your parish.
St. Dymphna Healing Mass
- A special Mass celebrated by Bishop Hying with the opportunity to receive a blessing for healing.
- Mass will be held at Holy Name Heights in Madison, WI on October 6, 2024 at 10am. Lunch and fellowship to follow.
Suicide Loss Grief Group
- Walking with individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide.
- Fall 2024 group dates are September 30th, October 14th, October 28th, and November 11th.
- Location is Holy Name Heights in Madison. Dinner is provided from 5-6pm and the group runs from 6-8pm.
- Please fill out form below if interested in registering for the Fall 2024 group.
Hope and Healing
- A Pastoral Letter from the Bishops of California on caring for those who suffer from mental illness
- Below are the six key points outlined in the letter.
- Christ calls us to attend to those who suffer from mental illness and provide hope and healing
- The scope and burden of mental illness in our society is enormous
- Those suffering with mental illness should not be stigmatized or judged
- The Church, health care professionals, and scientific researchers should work together to improve mental health care
- We must meet and attend to those in need where they are
- Those impacted by suicide need our compassionate response
Click here for the full Pastoral Letter.
Sanctuary Course for Catholics
- An eight-session video course and workbook to raise awareness about the Church’s role in addressing mental health
- Course can be done individually or in a small group
- Click here to access this free course
Whole-Hearted Series
- A free resource that provides trauma awareness – click here to access
- Consists of four 45-min sessions aimed at discussing trauma, reflecting on trauma responses, and learning about restorative practices for working through trauma
- Sessions can be combined and completed in one day at a parish setting
- Contact us if interested in joining or leading the Whole-Hearted series.
Mental Health Ministry
- This ministry involves accompanying, not diagnosing.
- Individuals are offered social and spiritual support, not therapy and medication.
- A ministry in which every individual is valued as a beloved child of God and supported and encouraged in living out Christ’s mission of discipleship.
Mental Health Advocates
- Do you feel called to participate in mental health ministry? We need you!
- Please contact us for more information. We are here to support you in this valuable ministry!
Latest News

Guidelines For The Celebration Of The Sacraments With Persons With Disabilities
Moment with the Bishop of Madison
Learn about our faith, a few minutes a week, directly from our loving bishop!
Catechesis and Persons with Disabilities
People from all around the world share their involvement in their parish and thank Pope Francis for his love and support. It was created by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability for the international gathering on Catechesis and Persons with Disabilities in Rome in October 2017.
Introduction to CUSA, An Apostolate of Persons with Chronic Illness and/or Disability
CUSA is a way for people with chronic illness or disability to care for others like themselves through an online or postal service Christian support group