In some way, most older adults experience one or more significant disabilities at the end of their lives. They are a vital part of our Church, and we seek to accommodate their needs and keep them involved. In doing so, we are able to honor the many years of service, prayers, and sacrifices they have made as members of our communities.
Older adults are also invited to enter more deeply into their prayer lives and be leaders in their families and communities in living the devout life because they have more time available to them.
The Apostolate helps people with sensory disabilities (blind and/or deaf) to find a home in their parish and overcome obstacles to receiving the sacraments.
Aging Ministries
- Catholic Charities Adult Day Center
- Catholic Charities Care Team Ministry
- St. Vincent de Paul Chapters
- Assistive Listening Devices
- Parishes that are unable to afford assistive listening devices or hearing loops for people who are hard of hearing in their parish can apply for a grant from the Apostolate. The Apostolate wants to ensure that every person is able to hear the good news of the Gospel! See Deaf/Hard of Hearing page for more information.
- TV Mass
- Since 1967, the Apostolate has provided a weekly TV mass celebrated by a priest from our diocese for those who are home-bound or have difficulty getting to their church.
- Times and channels
- 6am on WISC-TV 3
- 7am on TVW (Channel 3.2 for those with antennas) and Direct TV 14 (Cable)
- Past masses are posted to our Facebook page every Sunday or can be found on Youtube by going to the Channel 3000 page.
If you are considering remaining in your home or caring for an elderly relative, click here for information about in home care options in Wisconsin.
For a guide to government aid for seniors click here
Note the above guides are not afflicted with the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities or the Diocese of Madison, they are purely resources we have been made aware of which may be helpful.
Latest News
Guidelines For The Celebration Of The Sacraments With Persons With Disabilities
Moment with the Bishop of Madison
Learn about our faith, a few minutes a week, directly from our loving bishop!
Catechesis and Persons with Disabilities
People from all around the world share their involvement in their parish and thank Pope Francis for his love and support. It was created by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability for the international gathering on Catechesis and Persons with Disabilities in Rome in October 2017.
Introduction to CUSA, An Apostolate of Persons with Chronic Illness and/or Disability
CUSA is a way for people with chronic illness or disability to care for others like themselves through an online or postal service Christian support group